Advancing MMI with Your Help

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Kim McNulty

By Kim McNulty
MMI Director of Advancement

When I joined the MMI family as the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid in 2007, I was thrilled to be joining a team that stood for educational excellence. Despite not being from this area, I quickly learned the integral role that MMI had played in the lives of so many people. Those people were now bringing their children to MMI. My role was well defined and my job was clear-cut: recruit students to MMI and walk families through the admissions and financial aid processes.

In 2011, I moved into a newly formed position at MMI as the Director of Advancement. When I heard about the job opening, my first thought was “What the heck is advancement?” To this day, that’s still the first question anyone asks me when I mention what I do for a living.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, advancement is defined as “the act of moving forward.” In a nutshell, that is my job: moving MMI forward. I am responsible for making friends and nurturing relationships. I work with families, alumni, volunteers, and community members who are changing the lives of local students through their financial support of MMI. I implement fundraising and “friendraising” efforts, alumni relations programs, and special events. I help out at school events, attend games and matches, manage MMI’s social media channels, and support the other areas of MMI life as needed. Most of all, I love to tell the MMI story and share the great things we are doing here with everyone I can.

MMI is a strong community asset that provides educational opportunities to students from all family backgrounds. The outstanding accomplishments of our students would not be possible without the constituents – now numbering more than 3,800 – who form our community of partners.

I encourage you to join in with our advancement efforts. Our biggest advocates are those who can tell the stories of MMI to those whom they encounter on a daily basis. Share your story and tell people what our school means to you. We continue to do a number of exciting things on campus and I encourage all members of our community to get involved. Come back for a tour or Homecoming, attend a mini-reunion, support an admissions event, come to a playoff game, join us for a drama performance or concert, check out a lab, see amazing projects at Open House, or volunteer to speak to a class. I can easily accommodate your schedule and show you what a truly great place MMI continues to be!

To learn more about advancement at MMI, click here.