Annual Fund

The Annual Fund at MMI Preparatory School is the single most important and integral part of MMI’s fundraising efforts. The monies generated from the Annual Fund are used each year for scholarships, academic supplies, professional development, student activities, field trips, technology, and much more.
Annual Fund gifts can be designated to one of the following funds based upon the donor’s preference:
The Head of School’s Fund
Unrestricted to support the areas of greatest need
The Scholarship Fund
Supports general financial assistance awards to students in order to attend MMI
The Academic & Technology Fund
Supports ever-increasing technology needs, library and classroom resources, and co-curricular programs
The Excellence Fund for Professional Development
Supports both virtual and in-person professional development opportunities as well as subscription resources designed for faculty growth
The Arts Fund
Supports both the performance art and visual art programs at MMI
The Athletics Fund
Supports both the mid-school and varsity athletic programs at MMI
Annual Fund donors are recognized annually in the MMI Donor Report.
Membership in our giving clubs and societies are based upon your donation.
- The Eckley & Sophia Coxe Society – $10,000 or more
- The Mining & Mechanical Circle – $2,500 to $4,999
- The Red Club – $500 to $999
- The Century Club – $100 to $249
- The 1879 Society – $5,000 to $9,999
- The Head of School’s Circle – $1,000 to $2,499
- The White Club – $250 to $499
- The Benefactors Club – $1 to $99
Annual Fund gifts may also be designated to a specific scholarship fund, or in memory of or honor of a family member, friend, or
MMI faculty or staff member. The MMI Annual Fund runs from July 1 to June 30 each and every year.
For more information, contact:
Kim McNulty, Director of Advancement • 570-636-1108