Author: matt

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Students place in MATHCOUNTS competition

During a regional mathematics competition, a team of students from MMI Preparatory School placed fourth in the team competition out of 14 teams in the region. Two MMI students placed second and tenth, respectively, in the individual competition, and one of those students will go on to states.

March 2, 2015January 28, 2022In News

Freeland historical expert to discuss local history

Freeland native and historical expert Charlotte Tancin is returning to her hometown to share her historical knowledge of the borough during a presentation that will be held at MMI Preparatory School on Centre Street in Freeland.

March 2, 2015January 28, 2022In News
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Marci Hosier new director of admissions and marketing

Marcianna (Marci) Hosier was recently appointed to the position of Director of Admissions and Marketing at MMI Preparatory School. Hosier is a native of Northeastern Pennsylvania and has spent time working in media, higher education, and non-profit institutions.

March 2, 2015January 28, 2022In News

Cory Rogers scores 1000 points

Cory Rogers celebrates 1000 points throughout his career at MMI. He is pictured with his parents, Deborah and Robert Rogers (far right), and coach Joe Flanagan. 

February 4, 2015January 28, 2022In News

MMI FBLA excels in competition

Students from the MMI Preparatory School Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competed at the Region 16 Leadership Conference held at the Woodlands Resort in Wilkes-Barre December 18, 2014. Of the 59 students who competed, nearly half received special honors for their performance in various business-related competitive events.

January 29, 2015January 28, 2022In News

Chiara DeMelfi to compete in regional poetry competition

MMI Preparatory School senior Chiara DeMelfi, daughter of Daniel and Esme DeMelfi, Hazleton, will be competing in the “Poetry Out Loud” Regional Competition. The competition will be held at the WVIA studios in Pittston on February 17 and will be televised in April.

January 29, 2015January 28, 2022In News