MMI holds National Junior and National Latin honor society inductions

Home / News / MMI holds National Junior and National Latin honor society inductions
MMI Nat. Jr Honor Society 2018 2

MMI Preparatory School inducted 32 students into the National Junior Honor Society and 26 into the National Latin Honor Society during an induction ceremony at the school.

During the ceremony, MMI Head of School D. Scott Wiggins welcomed the audience and the Very Reverend Lawrence Barriger, the advisor for both honor societies, gave the criteria of members, presided over the induction ceremony, and introduced the guest speaker. MMI eighth graders Benjamin Zhao and William Smith provided the processional and recessional music, respectively, for the ceremony.

Attorney Morgan Palermo ’09 was the guest speaker. Palmero graduated from Wilkes University with a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature/Letters and received her juris doctor in 2016 from the Penn State University law school. She is a staff attorney for Legal Aid of Southeastern PA, where she works in the areas of consumer protection/creditor defense, social security income and social security disability appellate work, and public benefits work. She previously held positions as a judicial law clerk for the Berks County Court of Common Pleas and was an attorney with Wetzel, Caverly, Shea, Phillips & Rodger, LLC.

Students inducted into the National Junior Honor Society are: Olivia Bartholomew, Rachael Betz, Andrew Blasko, Jayden Bonham, Lucy Butkiewicz, Anna Cabell, David Castro, Chance Eyerly, Gina Galada, Christian Homnack, Lindsay Horvat, Mackenzie Igdalsky, Madison Igdalsky, Ashley Loss, Jacob Magula, Keiran Mele, Amelia Minzola, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Katelyn Overa, Dustin Paul, Alistair Plotnick, Noah Poesnecker, Logan Slusser, William Smith, Connor Spencer, Althea Stewart, Morgan Strecker, Nathan Thayer, Daniella Vasquez, Grace Warner, Kaylee Witner, and Benjamin Zhao.

Students inducted into the National Latin Honor Society are: Olivia Bartholomew, Rachael Betz, Jayden Bonham, Anna Cabell, David Castro, Chance Eyerly, Christian Homnack, Lindsay Horvat, Mackenzie   

Igdalsky, Madison Igdalsky, Ashley Loss, Jacob Magula, Keiran Mele, Amelia Minzola, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Dustin Paul, Alistair Plotnick, Noah Poesnecker, Logan Slusser, William Smith, Connor Spencer, Morgan Strecker, Daniella Vasquez, Grace Warner, Kaylee Witner, and Benjamin Zhao.

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