MMI Preparatory School inducted students in to multiple Honor Societies on March 26, 2024.
MMI English Department Chair/Associate Dean Donna Titus who serves as the National Honor Society advisor inducted students into the Andrew J. Stofan Chapter of the National Honor Society.
National Honor Society inductees are: Cedrah Abdulrahman ‘26, Hasan Arain ‘25, Frederick Blaine ‘24, Alexis Bleiler ‘26, Jozef Dovicak ‘26, John Thomas Ferry ‘26, Adam Frask ‘26, Samantha Gatts ‘26, Ava Genetti ‘25, Benjamin Gombeda ‘26, Nora Herseim ‘26, Gabriel Horvath ‘26, Christopher Laverty ‘26, Mehak Manzoor ‘26, Joseph Mayernik ‘26, Cassidy McDermott ‘26, Yeleiny Paniagua ‘26, Sharan Parikh ‘26, Rishi Patel ‘26, Bryce Radzwich ‘26, Christian Schulz ‘26, Erica Schwear ‘26, Caleb Skuba ‘26, Arushi Solgama ‘26, Jayden Unger ‘26, Georgia Washko ‘26, David Yamulla ‘26, Madelyn Young ‘26, Joshua Hoover ‘25, Isaiah Perez-Serrano ‘25, Lucas Pesotine ‘25, Lilli Warner-Senape ‘25, Isabelle Wells ‘25, Winni Zheng ‘25, and Kade Lutz ‘24.
MMI Science Department Chair/Associate Dean and advisor to the society, Michael Mele, inducted students into the Science National Honor Society.
Science National Honor Society inductees are: Chloe Allen ‘25, Willa Bartholomew ‘25, Xavier Bleiler ‘25, Corey Buchman ‘25, Lydia Chen ‘25, Alexander Composto ‘25, Eve Corazza ‘25, Daniel Griffiths ‘25, Brayden Harleman ‘25, Thomas Horvat ‘25, Aiden Hosier ‘25, Diane Kim ‘25, Michael Kranyak ‘25, Mary Katherine Kupsky ‘25, Caitlin Lenahan ‘24, Gracie Magula ‘25, Joshua Naugle ‘25, Kendall Orozco ‘25, Kiyan Paknezhad ‘25, Nicholas Pantages ‘25, Evan Pedri ‘25, Lucas Pesotine ‘25, Jason Roberts ‘25, Jakob Rossi ‘24, Hayden Schwabe ‘25, Isabelle Wells ‘25, Joshua Witner ‘25, Zachary Yenchko ‘24, and Winni Zheng ‘25.
MMI World Languages Department Chair and Society Advisor, Christina Spencer inducted seven students into the Chinese National Honor Society.
Inductees were: Corey Buchman ‘25, Lydia Chen ‘25, Thomas Horvat ‘25, Diane Kim ‘25, Kendall Orozco ‘25, Jason Roberts ‘25, and Winni Zheng ‘25.
Syra Dewar, MMI Spanish Language Instructor and advisor for the Society, inducted three students into the Spanish National Honor Society.
Inductees were: Isabelle Wells ‘25, Brayden Harleman’25, and Isaiah Perez-Serrano ’25.
Lisa M. Ferry, Art & Anthropology Instructor/ Interim Curriculum Coordinator and Art Honor Society Advisor welcomed two students into the National Art Honor Society. The inductees were: Sophia Plonk ‘24 and Abigail Sparich ‘24.
Gerard Periotti, MMI Mathematics Department Chair and Mu Alpha Theta, National Mathematics Honor Society, Advisor inducted students into the society.
Inductees were: Phoebe Bramley ‘24, Angelica Jimenez ‘26, Kyle Kocon ‘24, Jason Salio ‘24, Blake Warren ‘24, Chloe Allen ‘25, Xavier Bleiler ‘25, Corey Buchman ‘25, Lydia Chen ‘25, Alexander Composto ‘25, Dante DeStefano ‘25, Daniel Griffith ‘25, Brayden Harleman ‘25, Thomas Horvat ‘25, Aiden Hosier ‘25, Diane Kim ‘25, Michael Kranyak ‘25, Mary Katherine Kupsky ‘25, Gracie Magula ‘25, Joshua Naugle ‘25, Kendall Orozco ‘25, Kiyan Paknezhad ‘25, Nicholas Pantages ‘25, Evan Pedri ‘25, Jason Roberts ‘25, Isabelle Wells ‘25, Joshua Witner ‘25, Brendon Brobst ‘24, Hayden Schwabe ‘25, and Winni Zheng ‘25.