MMI’s team of Jay Solgama, Joshua Kalada-Kania, William Bower, Samuel Sessock, and Sarah Moyer received the highest score in the Aquatics component and were third overall out of 34 teams at the 2015 Luzerne County Envirothon.
Aquatics deals with species identification, water quality, ecosystems and ecology, watershed management, and invasive organisms.
MMI finished third overall at the annual event, which tests high school students’ knowledge of the environment with five 100-point tests: Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and a Current Issue, which changes each year. This year’s current issue was Urban Forestry.
The students competed under the direction of MMI Biological Sciences instructor Michael Mele. In 2012, MMI placed first overall in the state and regional event and 15th overall in the nation.