MMI recognizes fall season student athletes during 2023 Athletic Awards ceremony

MMI recognizes fall season student athletes during 2023 Athletic Awards ceremony

MMI Preparatory School recently held an Athletic Awards Banquet to honor all fall season athletes and their achievements during the 2023-2024 school year.

MMI Athletic Director Joe Flanagan was the emcee. Coaches provided remarks on the season and announced the award winners. During the ceremony, athletes received awards in the MVP, Most Improved, and Coaches’ Award categories, and varsity letter recipients were recognized. MMI kitchen staff prepared a buffet style meal of pasta, salad, rolls, and cake.

Flanagan said, “It has been a number of years since we held an athletic banquet, and I’m happy we’re able to provide this opportunity to our athletes, their families, and coaches. Athletics at MMI is an important part of our program and helps to build well-rounded students.”

The upper school Most Valuable Players, Most Improved Players, and Coaches’ Award recipients, as well as members who received varsity letters, are as follows:

Golf: MVPs – Lex Lispi (Lake Harmony) and Kade Lutz (Lake Harmony); Most Improved Player – Madelyn Young (Freeland). Letter Winners – Lex Lispi (Lake Harmony), Kade Lutz (Lake Harmony), Joseph Mayernik (Freeland), and David Yamulla (Sugarloaf).

Girls Tennis: MVPs – Kendall Orozco (Zion Grove) and Ava Genetti (Sugarloaf); Coaches’ Award – Kathryn Sissick (Drums). Letter Winners – Kendall Orozco (Zion Grove), Ava Genetti (Sugarloaf), Kathryn Sissick (Drums), Diane Arias-Tejeda (Hazleton), Mehak Manzoor (Mountain Top), Lydia Chen (Freeland), Eve Corazza (Sugarloaf), and Samantha Gatts (Conyngham).

Cross Country – MVP-Mary Katherine Kupsky (Bear Creek Township); Coaches’ Award- Diane Kim (Frackville); Most Improved Player– Isabelle Wells (Wapwallopen). Letter Winners – Mary Katherine Kupsky (Bear Creek Township), Isabelle Wells (Wapwallopen), Winni Zheng (Jim Thorpe), Amanda Stoffa (White Haven), Delilah Yatsko (Drums), and Katelyn Gera (Weatherly).

Girls Volleyball: MVP – Emily Borchick (Drums); Coaches’ Award – Angelica Jimenez (Hazleton); Most Improved Player – Chloe Allen (Freeland). Letter Winners – Alexa Fazio (Freeland), Yeleiny Paniagua (West Hazleton), Arushi Solgama (Mountain Top), Chloe Allen (Freeland), Angelica Jimenez (Hazleton), Emily Borchick (Drums), Emily Hunsinger (Sugarloaf), London Chehovich (Drums), Caitlyn Lenahan (Mountain Top), Phoebe Bramley (Blakeslee), and Sophia Plonk (Hazle Township).

Soccer: MVPs – Reed Floryshak (Sugarloaf) and Evan Pedri (Drums); Most Improved – Joshua Hoover (Sugarloaf). Letter Winners – Adam Frask (Drums), Hasan Arain (Bear Creek Township), Evan Pedri (Drums), Nicholas Pantages (Lake Harmony), Alexander Composto (Freeland), Aiden Hosier (West Pittston), Thomas Horvat (Drums), Joshua Hoover (Sugarloaf), Teagan Bonham (Sugarloaf), Edgar Lopez- Rodriguez (Hazleton), Blake Warren (Beaver Meadows), and Reed Floryshak (Sugarloaf).

The middle school Most Valuable Players, Most Improved Players, and Coaches’ Award recipients were:

Soccer: MVP – Benjamin Drobnock (West Hazleton), Most Improved Player– Brayden Hoover (Sugarloaf), Coaches’ Award- Thomas Rogers (Kingston).