MMI’s Upper School Drama Club to perform annual series of one-act comedies on Dec. 8 and 9

Home / News / MMI’s Upper School Drama Club to perform annual series of one-act comedies on Dec. 8 and 9
MMI Drama Club Winter Show

MMI Preparatory School’s Upper School Drama Club will present three one-act comedies during its annual An Evening of One Act Comedies on December 8 and 9 at 7 p.m. in the MMI cafeteria. 

All tickets are general admission only and seating is limited. Tickets are just $5 and are available at the door the night of the show or any time before the performance at the MMI Main Office.

The Upper School Drama Club students will perform How to Succeed in High School without Really Trying by Jonathan Rand, where a group of students reveal their tips and tricks to making it through high school, from legally changing your name to get around roll call, to identifying a math partner; Bad Auditions by Bad Actors by Ian McWethy, where a casting director has one day to find the leads for a community theatre production of Romeo and Juliet. Join her as she winds her way through an obstacle course of method actors, divas, and a cat(?) to find the perfect acting duo; and Game of Tiaras by Don Zolidis, which showcases the aging king of a magical kingdom who decides to split his realm between his three daughters –Cinderella, Belle and the Snow Queen (who in no way resembles a copyrighted character) – and the terrible, hilarious tragedy that ensues. Borrowing from King Lear and Game of Thrones, this one act will leave you dying with laughter.

The Upper School Drama Club is under the direction of Joanne Oakum. Ensemble cast members include: Mahum Ahmed, Kaitlyn Bellizia, Elliot Blasko, Merci Centrella, Nicolo Cottone, Andrew Decker, Daniel DeMelfi, Summer Evancho, Kyle Falatko, Aaron Harman, Lauren Herman, Elise Hreha, Kelisa Hysenbegasi, Marc Lobitz, Hunter O’Clair, Benjamin Putnam, Alyssa Sweda and Justin Weiksner. Crew members include, Stephanie Zellner (Stage Manager), Gunner Jankouskas (Assistant Stage Manager), Hunter Blasko, McKenna Gallagher, Aaron Haber, Kevin McNulty and Hugh Soltau.