MMI Preparatory School eighth-grade student Louis DeAngelo advanced to the MATHCOUNTS state competition after posting the second highest individual score and finishing third in the Countdown Round.
Alistair Plotnick, Connor Spencer, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Rachael Betz, Benjamin Zhao, Hiba Muhammad. Samantha Sparich, Kevin McNulty and Natalie Graham also competed on MMI’s MATHCOUNTS team.
The MATHCOUNTS Competition Series is designed to cultivate talent in the nation’s brightest young minds by bringing together students from all 50 states in a one-of-a-kind competition consisting of a series of in-person contests.
The Competition Series, which was created in 1983, is the longest-running MATHCOUNTS program and is open to all sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students. The competition is comprised of four rounds—Sprint, Target, Team and Countdown Round. Altogether the rounds are designed to take about three hours to complete.
In the Sprint Round, which focuses on speed and accuracy, students have 40 minutes to complete 30 math problems without a calculator. During the Countdown Round, which focuses on speed and accuracy, students have a maximum of 45 seconds to complete each problem without a calculator. In the Target Round, which focuses on problem-solving and mathematical reasoning, students receive four pairs of problems and have six minutes to complete each pair, assuming the use of a calculator. In the Team Round, which focuses on problem-solving and collaboration, four students on a school’s team have 20 minutes to complete 10 math problems, assuming the use of a calculator.
The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides engaging math programs to U.S. middle school students of all ability levels in order to build confidence and improve attitudes towards math and problem solving. Through three distinct programs, MATHCOUNTS empowers middle school students of all ability levels and backgrounds to reach their full potential in mathematics.
Louis DeAngelo is the son of Grete and Aaron Floryshak, Sugarloaf, and Louis DeAngelo, Hazle Township; Alistair Plotnick is the son of Dr. Eric Plotnick and Dr. Susan Snyder, Mountaintop; Connor Spencer is the son of Christina and Christopher Spencer, Mountaintop; Elizabeth O’Donnell is the daughter of Lisa and Henry O’Donnell, Pocono Lake; Rachael Betz is the daughter of Dr. Amy Houm, Tamaqua, and Richard Betz, Honesdale; Benjamin Zhao is the son of Haifeng Zhao and Dr. Jin Mao, Mountaintop; Hiba Muhammad is the daughter of Ikram and Alia Muhammad, Mountaintop; Samantha Sparich is the daughter of Joseph and Michele Sparich, Weatherly; Kevin McNulty is the son of Kimberly and Timothy McNulty, Forty Fort; and Natalie Graham is the daughter of Ryan and Heidi Graham, Tamaqua.