MMI student named MIT THINK 2022 Finalist

MMI student named MIT THINK 2022 Finalist

Junior Jessica Zheng, along with her research partner Xinyi Zhang of South Brunswick High School in NJ, was named a finalist in MIT THINK 2022. Zheng is the daughter of De Zheng and Hongzhi Zhang of Jim Thorpe.

Zheng and her partner submitted “A Novel Chitosan-Bioactive Glass Coated Kresling Origami Lumbar Disc Replacement” as their project. The two worked together at the Rockefeller Summer Science Research Program and are excited to see their project chosen to receive support from the MIT THINK program.

MIT THINK is a science, research, and innovation program for high school students that is organized by a group of MIT undergraduates. Project proposals are science, technology, and engineering ideas that span many fields from green technologies and practical devices to software applications. Good proposals have insightful data, clearly defined goals, and a well thought-out procedure for implementation.

MMI Head of School, Justin Kleinheider said, “We maintain a database of opportunities for students to explore where they can work independently over the summer and throughout the year. The Rockefeller Summer Science Research Program is just one of those opportunities and I am excited for Jessica and her research partner for the opportunity they have been given with MIT THINK.”

Finalists will have weekly mentorship meetings with THINK team members for technical guidance, helpful resources, and updates on the projects’ progress, and are given up to $1,000 funding for their project. Finalists are invited to an all-expenses paid trip to MIT where they tour labs, present their project to MIT students and faculty, and hang out with the THINK team.