MMI students deliver first semester “Best of the Best” presentations

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MMI Best of the Best First Semester

Students in 10th and 12th grades delivered presentations as part of MMI Preparatory School’s annual “Best of the Best” program during an assembly held at the school.

Sophomore Benjamin Putnam, the son of Benjamin and Andrea Putnam of Sugarloaf, was the overall “Best of the Best” winner for the first semester for his presentation entitled “The Science of Stranger Things.”

The assembly program is designed to help MMI students improve and enhance their communication skills, which are important as they progress through high school, college, and beyond.

Additional “Best of the Best” presenters were sophomore Adam Tron, the son of Dr. Eduardo Tron and Dr. Graciela Bianco of Mountaintop, who delivered a presentation on the U.S. Government, and senior Hunter O’Clair, the son of Timothy and Candice O’Clair of Drums, who gave a presentation entitled “A World in Disarray.”

MMI’s assembly program provides each student with the opportunity to explore varied subject areas not typically studied in the classroom. Students present a topic of interest to them such as art, music, geography, or culture before a larger audience than they would be exposed to in a daily classroom environment. Each student in grades 9 through 12 makes at least one appearance in an assembly program each school year. Students in grades 10 and 12 made their presentations in the first semester of the school year, while students in grades nine and 11 complete their assemblies in the second semester. Middle school students present assemblies during the second semester in their advisory groups to help prepare them for upper school assemblies in front of a larger audience. 

The best student performances are presented to a joint assembly of both upper school and middle school students and rated by the MMI faculty to determine the “Best of the Best.”