MMI Preparatory School will host its annual Open House on Sunday, April 17 from 2:00-4:30 P.M. The public is invited to attend the event where students will showcase their projects.
Each year, MMI students are challenged with preparing special research projects, which are displayed at Open House. Students in grades six through 12 will display, explain, and demonstrate their projects in classrooms and locations throughout the school.
Visitors will be able to observe a variety of student projects in the areas of literature, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition, food projects prepared primarily by world language students will be featured. The food, which will be available for sampling, will be served in an atmosphere authentic to the nation of the food’s origin.
Non-food projects are open to the public from 2:00-4:00 P.M., and culinary projects are open to the public from 2:30-4:30 P.M.
MMI students prepare all projects under the guidance of faculty advisers. Each project is then evaluated during Open House by a panel of judges from Penn State Hazleton. MMI’s in-house chef will evaluate food projects. The winners are then honored at a special assembly.
Listed below are the students and their projects or topic areas, along with the faculty members who helped guide the projects.
Faculty member Rev. Lawrence Barriger: Lindsay Braunstein, “The Colosseum;” and Madyson Hornack, “Greek Mythology.”
Faculty member Dennis Clarke: Chava Kornblatt, “Food Culture and Tradition in Spain;” Hunter O’Clair, “Cervantes;” Daniel Tron, “Soccer in the Spanish-Speaking World;” Jacob Weiksner “Map of Spain (La mapa de España);” Andrew Alday, “Desi-Pinoy;” Charles Bower, “La Patisserie;” Samanta Cottone, “Hollywood Bakery;” Sara Davis, “La Patisserie;” Joseph Delese, “The Green Nose;” Mikayla Dove, “Menefreguisimo;” Brian Driscoll, “Irish Breakfast;” Brendan Drusda, “Desi-Pinoy;” Brian Galbiati, “Irish Breakfast;” Andrew Haber, “The Green Nose;” Shaelyn Heft, “Bahama Mamas;” Victoria Kline, “Food Project;” Sarah Moyer, “Menefreguisimo;” Taylor Peluso, “La Patisserie;” Jessica Pileggi, “Menefreguisimo;” Jay Solgama, “Desi-Pinoy;” Jonathan Stish, “Food Project;” Nash Wenner, “The Green Nose;” Luke Yamulla, “Food to Finish;” Desiree Dinko, “Bahama Mamas;” Edward Herbener, “No Soup for You;” Karalyn Sitch, “Food to Finish;” and Allison Warner-Senape, “Hollywood Bakery.”
Faculty member Anthony Cusat: Peter Walko, “Watering Hyacinths with Water and Coffee;” Hunter Blasko, “Gardening: Rows vs. Boxed Beds;” Dominique Kline, “The Math of Hockey;” Ryan McNelis, “Solar Powered Parabolic Hot Dog Cooker;” Violet O’Connell, “Ancient Mesopotamian Math”; Robert Rinaldi, “The Geometry of Basketball;” Emily Ryan, “Parabolic Cooker;” Jaclyn Snyder, “Birthday Paradox;” Ryan Verbonitz, “Exit Velocity;” Paige Machulsky, “Distributive Property: A Simpler Way;” Tessa Peluso, “How Math Relates to Music;” Lauren Toscano, “Seinfeld Theory;” and McKenna Gallagher, “Pythagorean Theorem.”
Faculty member Grete DeAngelo: Logan Slusser, “The History of Soccer;” Rachael Betz, “Complex International Borders;” Andrew Blasko, “The History of Basketball;” Lucy Butkiewicz, “The Statue of Liberty;” David Castro, “History of Coca-Cola;” Anna Hoxha, “Have You Heard of Albania;” Madison Igdalsky, “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!;” Alistair Plotnick, “The History of Rap Music;” William Smith, “The Korean War;” Connor Spencer, “Ancient Rome;” Althea Stewart, “Goju Ru Karate;” Morgan Strecker, “Karate;” Nathan Thayer, “Famous Bands of the 1960s and 1970s;” Daniella Vazquez, “The Dominican Republic;” Grace Warner, “John F. Kennedy’s Death Theory;” Adam Tron, “London, Brussels, and Amsterdam;” Kaitlyn Bellizia, “The Newsboy Strike of 1899;” Matthew Marchetti, “Susquehanna River;” Brian Payne, “The History of Computers;” Alexander Sessock, “Blacksmithing;” Andreas Boosalis, “Charlie Chaplin;” Lindsey Walko, “Hamilton the Musical: Fact vs. Fiction;” Joel Cruz, “Similarities and Differences between Meat Packing, Mining, and Clothing Shop;” and Keiran Mele, “FC Barcelona.”
Faculty member Lisa Ferry: Indkaran Bains, “Graffiti: “Vandalism or Street Art.”
Faculty member Timothy Garvey: Thomas Ansilio, “Levers;” Louis DeAngelo, “Robot Helpers;” Natalie Graham, “The Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation;” Aaron Haber, “Magnets;” Morgan Hosier, “The Environmental Impact on Giant and Red Pandas;” James Kelly, “Hand Warmers;” Jordan Kulsa, “Benefits of Immunization;” Cole Rinehimer, “Drones;” Juliana Salio, “The Mystery of Hypnosis;” Christopher Yanuzzi, “Crows vs. Ravens;” Alexis Zola, “Optical Illusions;” Catherine Matyas, “Wind Tunnel Experiment;” Kyle McGuire, “Game Physics;” Danielle Pileggi, “Dog Cloning;” Hannah Falatko, “Human Origins;” and Ryan Eschenbach, “Hooke’s Law.”
Faculty member Kathryn Green: Charles Dick, “Why, Commas Matter!;” Ella Urosevich, “Roald Dahl;” Mahum Ahmed, “The Great Gatsby;” Summer Evancho, “The Tiger Curse Series;” Maxwell Santana, “American Sniper;” and Amanda Kalada-Kania, “The Mortal Instruments.”
Faculty member Mary-Lee Hood: Jayden Bonham, “Radiation Mutation;” Anna Cabell, “What Happens When You Dream?;” Zachary DeRemer, “Elephant Poaching;” Gina Galada, “Pavlovian Dogs;” Mackenzie Igdalsky, “HYPP;” Ashley Loss, “Down Syndrome;” Amelia Minzola, “Bigfoot;” Dustin Paul, “The Tooth About Drinks;” Noah Poesnecker, “Evolution of Whales;” Alexander Smith, “Legos;” Abigail Wagner, “Illusions;” Kaylee Witner, “Non-Newtonian Fluids;” Callain Blasko, “Pokemon Evolution and Biological Evolution Comparison;” Ayla Cooper, “Black Holes;” Carly Pennington, “Pollution in Marine Environments;” Maya Rizkalla, “Echo Phenomena;” Abbey Walters, “Tree Man Syndrome;” Angelica Alday, “Genetics;” Michael Badamo, “Electrolytes in Beverages;” David Caldwell, “The Effects of Oregano Oil on E. coli;” Joshua Kalada-Kania, “Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture;” James Lambert, “Effect of Drugs on the Body;” Marc Lobitz, “Elbow Injuries in Pitchers;” Jack Malay, “The CRISPR Method;” Caelyn McGran, “Genetic Disorders;” Julia Snyder, “The Terrible Tertoma;” Joseph Taylor, “DDT;” Cole Wenner, “Common Ice Hockey Injuries;” and Madison Perchak, “Genetic Disorders: Trisomy 21.”
Faculty member Nancy Lotz: Tyra Cooper, “Dragons Through History;” Benjamin Zhao, “The Punishment: Punishments in Mythology;” Julie Amentler, “The Death Penalty;” Kimberly Amentler, “Salem Witch Trials;” Noah Long, “History of Madison Square Garden;” Maria Olson, “The Third Eye;” Samantha Sparich, “Mary Berg;” Zander Spear, “Key West Ghost Legend,” Millie Symbula, “Nikola Tesla;” Alexandra Young, “Apple’s History;” Morgan Allen, “The Mayan Calendar;” and Sydney Kohl, “Underground Railroad.”
Faculty member Michael Mele: Manny Bisono, “Science Behind Catalytic Converter;” Elizabeth Borchick, “What Laundry Detergent Are You Using?;” Reiley DeStefano, “Greenhouse Effects and Cars;” Lauren Herman, “The Genetics Behind Eye Color;” Julia Jenigen, “The Differences of the Animal Cell and the Plant Cell;” Heaven Merenich, “Natural Selection;” Emily Mundorf, “The Animal Cell;” Christine Park, “Natural Selection;” Desiree Petrick, “Biological Mutualism;” Ariah-Kirin Saeed, “Genetics;” William Bower, “Soils;” Alyssa Famalette, “Pre-Implantation Genetic Disorders;” Athena Nicholas, “The Study of the Eye;” and Madeline Dryfoos, “The Effect of Music on Plant Growth.”
Faculty member Susan Moyer: Lindsay Horvat, “Math in Pizzelle Recipes;” Jocelyn Horvath, “Math in Music;” Alexander Jordan, “Going the Distance;” Jared Wimmer, “Complex Numbers;” Kevin Cibak, “The Stock Market;” Eric Degenhart, “Why Does Weather Prediction Seem to Be So Inaccurate?;” Evan Dryfoos, “Music and the Sine Curve;” Garrett Kost, “Physics Behind Kicking a Soccer Ball;” Allison McGeehan, “Math of Figure Skating;” Elizabeth Pinto, “Math and Medicine;” and Erin Sari, “Geometric Snowflakes.”
Faculty member Jennifer Novotney: Benjamin Putnam, “The Truth About Dyslexia;” Ali Aijaz, “Madness in Literature;” Anirban Chowdhury, “Music and Emotion; Katherine Eschenbach, “Analysis of Literature and Film;” Lacee Gera, “The Significance of Color in Literature;” Olivia Minzola, “In the Background No Longer: Evolution of the Female Hero; Keenan Overa, “The Need for Independence Around the Globe;” Kryslyn Postupack, “Analysis of Literature Through Film;” Jonathan Smith, “Donald Trump’s Use of Language;” and Lucas Smith, “Divergent.”
Faculty member Gerard Pierotti: George Palermo, “The Angle of Golf;” Benjamin Lloyd, “Math Behind Bhopping;” Elliot Blasko, “MIT Probability Payout;” Nick Carrato, “Arm Slots and Pitch Movement;” Andrew Decker, “Pascal’s Triangle;” Daniel DeMelfi, “Phi;” Wesley Guarneri, “Black vs. White Pieces in Chess;” Keefer Hoover, “Pitching Angles in Baseball;” Elise Hreha, “Standard Deviation;” Alexander Kline, “The Basics of Quantum Physics;” Morgan Long, “Architecture in Buildings;” Lauren Matyas, “Matrices;” Jessica McClellan, “How Roller Coasters Work;” Frederick Mejia,” Rubik’s Cube;” Bailey Slusser, “The Coral Castle;” Coleman Smith, “The Basics of Quantum Physics;” Ethan Warner, “Stonehenge;” Zachary Young, “Bracketology;” Jaclyn Braunstein, “Math in Tennis;” Mark Sitch, “Mathematics of Running;” Douglas Genetti, “Common Core Math;” Anna Olivieri, “The Math in Roller Coasters;” Jessica Smith, “Art in Parabolic Curves;” Evan Spear, “Math and Tennis;” Kyle Williams,” Sports Science;” Kelisa Hysenbegasi, “Why Pi?;” Kaitlyn McGeehan, “Sundials;” Alyssa Sweda, “The Math in Music;” Tyler Degenhart, “The Number in E;” and Mahad Muhammad, “Mathematics in Boxing.”
Faculty member Todd Ronco: Lauryn Banyas, “Water and Sports Drinks and Their Effect on Teeth;” Robert Murphy, “Chemistry Behind the Chameleon’s Skin Color;” Dana Carrato, “Dancing Oobleck;” Gabriella DeMelfi, “Brain Chemistry Behind Mental Disabilities;” Jai Hoover, “Extraction of Red Dye;” Joey Kress, “The Manhattan Project;” Kayla Leonard, “Chromatography and Forensic Science;” Joshua Narrow, “The Science of Nutmeg;” Samuel Sessock, “3D Printed Molecular Model;” Abigail Paul, “Distillation;” and Kisan Patel, “Oxidation Reduction Reaction.”
Faculty member Michael Scarlato: Emily Ankiewicz, “Feminism Through the Years;” Philip Byriel, “History of the Jordan Brand;” Carter Frask, “The Battle Ship Wisconsin;” Ryan Halterman, “The History of Drums and Percussion;” Marcus Kassick, “The History of the Hershey Company;” Harrison Kress, “The 1990-1991 Detroit Pistons;” Kai Mele, “History of World War II;” Molly O’Connell, “Composers Through History;” Josue Rodriguez, “History of the New York Giants;” Joshua Serock, “Steelers Road to Super Bowl XLIII;” Harriet Wilson, “The Life of Beyonce;” Macy Zenier, “Things That Changed Fashion History;” Terrance Jankouskas, “History of China: Landmarks Edition;” Catherine Havrilla, “The History of Lead Guitar;” Christian Yamulla, “Ancient Burial Practices;” and Grant Warren, “PSG.”
Faculty member Christina Spencer: Justin Weiksner, “Moveable Type (from China).
Faculty member Donna Titus: Aine Durako, “Depiction of the Supernatural;” Caitlyn Kline, “Adolescent Reading;” Gabriella Kuphso, “Come Dive into the Life of Pi;” Talia Logerfo, “The Harry Potter Series;” Jakob Schwabe, “The Catcher in the Rye;” Devon Faul, “Frankenstein: Manster;” and Daniel McBride, “Breaking the Fourth Wall.”
Faculty member Justin Vincent: Niklas Byriel, “Computer Hardware;” Megan Marchetti, “3D Printing;” Dillon Merenich, “The Theremin;” Lois Polashenski, “Brushfire Algorithm;” and Dylan Slusser, “Homemade Arcade.”
Faculty member Katherine Zucco: Irene Altmiller, “Harvard;” Marcus Danchision, “The History of the Alphabet;” Gregory Leonard, “Spartans;” Kevin McNulty, “Attila the Hun;” Ethan Stine, “History of Basketball;” Lauren Babinetz, “Geisha;” Jett Chen, “Medieval Warfare;” Nicolo Cottone, “The Terrors of Rome;” Kyle Falatko, “The King’s Crusade;” Lauren Freeman, “Medieval Castles;” Zachary Gera, “Mosin Nagant World War II Rifle;” Anna Haber, “Decline of Rome;” Aaron Harman, “Nice Siege You! (Medieval Siege Weaponry); Gunner Jankouskas, “Neptune Spear;” Sydney Karpowich, “The Rise of the Roman Empire;” and Stephanie Zellner, “Evolution of Music.”