Mr. William L. Spear R.Ph ’79

Home / Community Service / Mr. William L. Spear R.Ph ’79

Wall of Fame Class of 2023

Bill graduated from MMI, obtained his Bachelor
of Science degree in Pharmacy from the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science,
and his two-year post-graduate degree from the
Clinical Nutrition Certification Board.

Bill is the CEO and Pharmacist at Hazle Drugs,
America’s Oldest Compounding Pharmacy since 1868.
Their natural and holistic approach is why physicians and
patients near and far rely on his company for their customized medications.

Bill has extensive training from the Professional Compounding Centers of
America (PCAA) and is a member of PCAA’s Concierge Group, which is a
specially selected group that networks nationally with other experts in the
field of compounding. He was named the PCAA Pharmacist of the Month in
2005 for his constant commitment to his community and patients.

Bill lectures to many health service organizations across the country. His
topics include Nutritional Supplements, Male “Andropause” Therapy, Natural
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women, Down’s Syndrome,
Fibromyalgia, and Anti-Aging. He is also featured on the “Your Life” TV
show as the natural medicine expert for his knowledge of natural
bio-identical hormone replacement and nutritional counseling.

He currently serves as a Board Member of the Downtown Hazleton Alliance
for Progress (DHAP); the Chairman of the Greater Hazleton Chamber of
Commerce Downtown committee and an Executive Committee Member of
the Chamber Board; a Board Member of Greater Hazleton CAN DO, and a
member of the BOC (Board of Certification).

He previously served on MMI’s Board of Directors from 2008-2022 and was
Secretary from 2020-2022. He was a Board Member of the American Red
Cross, Hazleton Rotary Club, Hazleton Healthcare Foundation, and United
Way. He was also the past Chairman of the Greater Hazleton Chamber of
Commerce, and a Past President and Board Member of the American
Cancer Society Hazleton Unit.

Bill lives in the Hazleton Area with his wife, Marylynne, and their three sons,
Billy ’15, Evan ’17, and Zander ’21.